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Libro "Mi piego ma non mi spezzo" English version "I bend but I do not break"

How to use difficulties as a tool to adapt to any eventuality with a positive and resilience-proof attitude.

Would you like to give life to your positive thoughts, serenely exit the comfort zone and savor the sense of gratitude every day? If you think about it, the life of each of us is made up of daily difficulties: both in the workplace, both in the family and in the more strictly personal one.

In the face of these unpleasant situations, there are two categories of people: those who accept everything and live life, beautiful or ugly as it was, and those who know they deserve the best and, for this reason, are in able to face difficulties with courage, determination and positivity. Believe it or not, I'm one of them.

In this book, I will explain how to exploit the difficulties to your advantage, using them as a tool to adapt to any eventuality, through a positive and resilient-proof attitude.


Bruno Editore  99 pages format  15x21 cm

€14.50 €14.5 + 0.00 Crediti

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